Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the anne books - l m montgomery (1908-1939)

here's the thing. i am mostly a pragmatic utilitarian who doesn't exactly hold with starry eyed flights of fancy and squirms at open shows of romantic affection.

and yet, every few years, i revisit that sparklingly irrepressibly irresistible girl who grew up in green gables, primarily to read again about her and gilbert blythe. perhaps this is because anne's stories bring back the best of my girlhood and young womanhood, and looking back time tarries longer and colors are brighter.

anne shirley belongs to my youth but continues to inspire me to be a more charitable person every time i drop in on her.

1 comment:

kidowmer said...

Oh..that was along time make me wanna revisit too...there was a TV series as well, but I never get to watch..