Wednesday, October 20, 2010


today, at the office where J1 interns as the resident peon, he finally lays claim to his own cubicle and telephone extension. this is very exciting. he now has a spot to officially leave his bag at and a chair to casually sling his jacket over. and, when people call the main line, they can request to speak with him!

i remember my first white coat. we walked taller wearing them. also my first pager. in those pre-cellphone days pagers were the ultimate yuppie accessories. we hooked those bulky little boxes over parts of our apparel and felt splendidly functional.

a pity it is, perhaps, that we forget novelty so quickly.


aliendoc said...

Pagers - ugh.

Hated the buggers...

rugs said...

so did i! but the first flush...