Thursday, July 28, 2011


i watch an absolutely beautiful routine* on the dance competition on tv. it's an unadorned stage and an effortlessly gorgeous swirl of bodies all over in two minutes flat. there is a standing ovation at the end and the judges weep.

i would stand too. it is a stunning number in a night of stunning numbers. 

but why tears? or precisely, why do i not weep? words make me weep. or stories. and memories. but dance is like a plane removed. i appreciate the fluid tangle of limbs and delight in the superb unity and think that it goes really well with the song but i do not enter into that deep emotional response.

perhaps one has to be of a certain age and time. or personality type. or training. or perhaps it is simply plebeian me, although HOM is also bewildered and asks me why they weep.

*sytycd july 27th, marko & allison, i know it's over by jeff buckley, contemporary choreography by sonya tayeh.

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